Khisus19Movies Database

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I created a movie search web application that allows users to easily find movies they are interested in. The app showcases the current trending movies and the top rated movies, giving users a starting point for their search. Users can also search for movies by keywords and a list of movie posters will be displayed, making it easy to browse through the options. By selecting a specific movie, users can access its synopsis, year, runtime, rating, genre, and tagline. The app was built using JavaScript and the Movie Database API.

Working on this project allowed me to further my knowledge of asynchronous JavaScript and how to fetch data from a RESTful API. This was a great opportunity to put my skills to the test and see how they could be applied in a real-world scenario. I am proud of what I have achieved with this movie search app and believe that users will find it a valuable tool for finding the movies they want to watch.